Introducing Fearlessly Funded for Missionaries!

Remember when I said this blog was on hiatus, I said I was praying about how/when to come back? Well, I’m still not back to Fragrance Arise, but God has been really moving on a new idea He’s given me… helping missionaries with partnership development! I’ve been a missionary raising financial partnership since 2016, and dabbling it it even earlier, and I’ve learned so much and really come to love it. Building relationships and sharing about what God is doing in the Earth is so much fun!

Partnership development is definitely not always easy, but it doesn’t have to be scary! So many missionaries feel called to missions but feel locked up in fear, either because of shame and insecurity or not knowing where to start. That’s tragic to me. I want to come alongside missionaries and offer biblical encouragement and some of my favorite tips and strategies to strengthen their process.

My philosophy is that partnership development is primarily about relationships, not money. As missionaries, we have the honor of inviting the Body of Christ to partner in what God is doing in the Earth. We then steward these relationships by honoring and blessing our partners. God’s work was never meant to be an individual effort; we were always meant to live interdependently. Partnership in missions is another way we walk out love and unity as a Body.

Right now, Fearlessly Funded includes:

I’m working on developing even more high-value downloads such as templates and ebooks that will share my step-by-step strategies to build your partnership team to get (and stay!) fully funded. I’m also hoping to point people towards more in-depth resources, such as my favorite online training course.

Missionary Giveaway

To launch Fearlessly Funded, I have a special survey and giveaway for missionaries! This survey will help me know how to best serve laborers on the mission field, and missionaries who fill it out will also be entered to win a $50 Amazon gift card!

If you’re a missionary (or planning to be), would you please fill out this survey? The giveaway will end on September 18, 2024.

Lastly, would you please share this survey with any other missionary friends you may have? Whether they’re just stepping out or veterans in the field, I’d love to encourage and serve them any way I can!