I Bought a Car!

I hinted in my last post about a car that I might be getting. Well, I GOT IT! My new car is a 1999 Chevy Lumina in fantastic condition with only 72,000 miles on her. I got her from a family friend’s father-in-law, who is a used car dealer, for only $4750! I budgeted $5000 total for the car plus registration, etc, so this is perfect. Such a blessing.

My car, Idris, also nicknamed the “Golden Lady.”

Since I’ve been living on the mountain, my parents helped me a lot with the car search. My mom texted me on Monday or Tuesday that she had maybe found something, and then she looked at it on Wednesday and emailed me a bunch of pictures. I went down the hill right after dinner with OE students on Thursday to see it with both my parents. My dad looked under the hood, had me test all the features, and test drove it with me. I fell in love and drove it back up the mountain that night. The car dealer was incredibly wonderful, a great Christian man, and gave me his personal number in case I ever have any questions at all about the car. The entire experience was so God-orchestrated.

Idris and the Doctor

I’ve named her Idris after a character in Doctor Who. Idris was the name of the woman whose body housed the TARDIS’ energy matrix (essentially its soul) for one episode in series six. So essentially, Idris is the closest thing the TARDIS has to a real name. (Well, Sexy might be a bit closer. But I didn’t want to have to explain all the time why my car is named Sexy.)
So there you have it–this is the car in which I shall be driving to Kansas City! My own TARDIS, my own travelling companion and fellow adventurer. Or so I like to imagine. 🙂