Throwback Easter Post: “The Promise of Future Resurrection”

Happy Easter! He is risen!

I thought about writing a full new post for this Easter, but honestly I wrote a pretty epic post last year that’s probably better than anything I could write for this year, and so since many of my readers are new to my blog, I’m sharing it again today.

I’m not sure how exactly I managed to grow up in a Bible-believing church without really grasping the doctrine of the future resurrection, but I did, and I’m willing to bet I’m not alone. When I first encountered some preaching on these verses in 2012, they blew my mind, and it’s been one of my favorite themes in Scriptures to search out and meditate on ever since.

This post is a fairly thorough exploration of the astonishing revelation in Scripture that when Jesus comes back, every believer who has ever died and every believer left alive will get a glorious resurrected body. An actual tangible body, immortal, full of light and glory (and probably superpowers) to live on a renewed Earth forever. This future resurrection of believers is an integral part of the HOPE of Jesus’ return, and it’s a major part of why the resurrection of Jesus is such good news for us.

This has to become so, so real to us.

Luckily (or, you know, providentially) the Bible gives us some really clear details we can study and hang on to in order to stir up that hope in our hearts. Check it out in my Easter 2018 post, “Easter: The Promise of Future Resurrection”.

(BONUS: I’ve also included at the end of that post some extra study resources and related worship songs!)